Sunday, June 30, 2024

A DA-Led Fisheries Administration Looks Certain

For the first time ever, it now seems certain that the South African fisheries and environmental affairs ministry will be led by the Democratic Alliance. 

I have previously written about what should happen IF the DA was to assume leadership of this ministry. Read that here.  It now looks certain that this will happen. 

Sadly, a repeat of the clean-out of the corrupt and incompetent - similar to what happened in 1999/2000 - will be needed. The fisheries branch in particular will need to be re-constituted and re-engineered to ensure that it is able to grow our commercial fisheries sector; serve the fishing industry and fishing communities along our coast and protect our marine ecology from mining and unchecked illegal fishing.  

The next week will be an important one for SA fisheries and environmental affairs. 

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