Saturday, February 25, 2023


 On 22 February 2023, Minister Creecy issued her third appeals timetable in as many months! Does she and her staff even know what they said the previous month? And to Parliament?

They are literally just making it up as they go along. And she continues to insist that she has completed the shark demersal appeals and yet there is simply no record of these appeals, anywhere!

The third revised appeals timetable is as follows:

The phases and anticipated finalisation dates for each phase is as follows (verbatim from the Minister's press statement of 22 February 2023):

  • Phase one of the appeals process, which was completed on 2 December 2022, dealt with the appeals in the demersal shark sector, the KwaZulu-Natal crustacean trawl sector and with miscellaneous and non-compliant appeals. [Neither the appeal decisions for shark demersal or the "miscellaneous and non-compliant appeals" have been published some 85 days later]
  • Phase two of the appeals process is presently under consideration and deals with the appeals in the south coast rock lobster sector and the traditional line fish sector. These appeals are due to be finalised by 28 February 2023. The department is committed to meet this timeline. [This is in 2 days' time]
  • Phase three of the appeals process deals with the tuna pole line and squid sectors. These appeals are currently under consideration by the minister’s appeals advisory team for their recommendations to minister. The proposed date for finalisation of these appeals is 30 April 2023.
  • Phase four of the appeals process deals with the appeals in hake deep sea trawl and hake longline sectors. Considering the volume (120 hake deep sea trawl and 280 hake longline) and complexity of appeals in this sector, the proposed date for finalisation of these appeals is 30 July 2023. [This is incredulous. 12 months to decide 400 appeals. In 2018, Minister Zokwana (albeit under the terms of a court order) decided a similar number of rock lobster appeals in 30 days]
  • Phase five of the appeals process deals with the appeals in the small pelagic: sardine (169 appeals) and anchovy (230 appeals) sectors. The department is endeavouring to complete phase five of the appeal process by 30 October 2023.
It is of course laughable that this Minister took approximately 5 months to finalise some 6 appeals in the KZN Prawn Trawl fishery. At that rate it will take her 42, 245 days to finalise the remaining appeals! In all honesty, this Minister simply does not have the ability or the skilled personnel required to deal with these appeals. And as we saw from the KZN Prawn Trawl appeal decisions, they are woefully bad, ignorant and unlawful.  

The Minister's statements also confirm that her delegated authority's have failed to comply with a mandatory procedural requirement in terms of regulation 5 of the 1998 Fisheries Regulations. They have each failed to produce the peremptory appeal reports within 30 days of the appeals closure date. And given the context of these decisions and the sectors they affect, taking 6 months to decide 6 appeals (for example) is wholly unreasonable and an affront to the constitutional and statutory requirements of fair and reasonable administrative action. These are reviewable grounds alone. 

Will this incompetent ANC government produce the ridiculous Minister of Electricity and Silly Walks before it produces the next appeal results?

Monday, February 6, 2023


Yep, that's right! Less than 50 days since publishing her "5-phase appeals process" statement on 15 December 2022, the fisheries minister, Barbara Creecy, summarily dumped her appeals process timetable when she addressed parliament at the beginning of February 2023! 

And she did not have the slightest decency to even explain why she is dumping a committed timetable that was less than 50 days old! 

Her "old" 15 December 2022 appeals timetable can be read here. We have detailed the many lies Creecy and her Fisheries DDG, Sue Middleton, told Parliament on our twitter timeline which can be accessed here.

Creecy's "new" unofficial timetable stated before Parliament now commits to the finalisation of only the traditional line fish appeals by February 2023. She had previously committed to finalising all the tuna pole and south coast rock lobster appeals by February 2023. Now, she seems have delayed those to "October 2023". Maybe. Perhaps. Actually, it will not happen. The same applies to the appeals in the remaining fishing sectors - CREECY WILL NOT COMPLETE THEM. Then, Creecy also lied in December 2022 about having completed the demersal shark appeals! She had not! She told Parliament that these appeals may actually only be completed in October 2023. 

In our view, her dishonest, nonchalant and inexplicable abandonment of timetables justifies previous right holders in the every fishing sector to approach a court of law for urgent relief against the Minister. For them to continue waiting for this incompetent lot will be commercially fatal.

The appeals process is nothing but a shambolic failure like the #FRAPNEVER #FRAPFAILURE. The KZN Prawn Trawl decisions will be reviewed shortly.